Accessibility Statement for website

Last updated on: 7/10/2023

Table of Contents

  1. General

  2. Accessibility on this Website

  3. Disclaimer

  4. Third-Party Applications

  5. Video

  6. We Welcome Feedback

  7. Privacy

  8. Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology

  9. Technical specifications

  10. Limitations and alternatives

  11. Assessment approach

  12. Evaluation report

  13. Formal complaints



This is an accessibility statement from Outland Visual Inc for the website Outland Visual Inc is a small business that strives to provide access to its services to all customers or potential customers regardless of their disability, race, religion, ethnicity, skin tone, sexual orientation, or gender. We have made great efforts to accommodate as many of our customers and potential customers as possible, given our size, resources, and knowledge of our customers and potential customer needs. To that end, we have engaged the services of professionals to assist and advise us in matters relating to the accessibility of

Accessibility on this Website

The website provides several methods, features, and policies that can help customers access our website and/or products or services provided or referred to on our website or by our business. There are also various aids available by third parties, which are provided by most web browsers on different operating systems. Suppose you are having difficulty accessing our website even after utilizing any access features within this website and/or any third-party or browser features. In that case, we invite you to contact us for further assistance. Contact information is set forth below.


We anticipate that from time to time, within our resources, we will be making modifications to parts of and possibly alterations to the accessibility of Reasonable efforts toward improving the seamless, accessible, and unhindered use of our website by customers and potential customers is a worthwhile goal. Despite the efforts we may have made regarding accessibility, consistent with standard business practices for a company of our size and resources, some content, features, processes, or policies may be improved, so we welcome your suggestions.

Third-Party Applications may use third-party add-ons or "plug-ins" for specific functions, such as Google Maps, social media feeds, etc. These may not work or may not work the same for every user and/or every type of disability. We do not have control over the structure of these plug-ins. Therefore, we cannot modify them at all or to the extent that would accommodate every website user. We are not responsible for those elements we do not control.


Our website has or plans to have some video elements. Each video will have closed captioning or text equivalent located next to the video where applicable. Specific videos may be displayed with no audible sound as the intent of the video, or particular videos may display abstract content or similar. In these cases providing a text description may not be possible. 

We Welcome Feedback

We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on Please provide brief details such as screenshots, website code, or detailed written or audio recordings of your description of the supposed area of the website, which may impose a barrier. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS METHOD OF CONTACTING US FOR ANY OTHER REASON OTHER THAN FEEDBACK ON THE ACCESSIBILITY OF OUR WEBSITE; MESSAGES RELATED TO ANY OTHER MATTER WILL BE DISREGARDED.

We appreciate your patience in awaiting our response; as we are a small team, we take your feedback seriously and will consider any improvements our business can reasonably make with our available resources. 


We respect your privacy. Our copy of our privacy policy can be found here.  

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology is designed to be compatible with the following assistive technologies:

  • Browsers, Google Chrome Version 109.0.5414.119 (Official Build) (arm64), Apple Safari Version 

  • Operating Systems, Apple Mac OSX Version 13.2.1 (22D68), iOS Version may not be compatible with the following:

  • Any browser not listed above

  • Any browsers older than three major versions or Mobile operating systems older than five years

Technical specifications

Accessibility of relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plug-ins installed on your computer:

  • HTML


  • CSS

  • JavaScript

These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

Limitations and alternatives

Despite our best efforts to offer accessibility to all customers and potential customers of, there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations and possible solutions. Don't hesitate to contact us if you observe an issue not listed below.

Known limitations for

  • Comments/Reviews from users

  • Uploaded images may not have text alternatives, as we cannot ensure the quality of contributions.

  • We monitor user comments and typically repair issues within 60 business days. 

  • Please use the 'report issue' button if you encounter an issue.

Assessment approach

Outland Visual Inc assessed the accessibility of by the following approaches:

  • Self-evaluation

  • External evaluation

Evaluation report

A copy of our current accessibility evaluation report will be made available via written request and upon completion by the third party employed to perform the evaluation. 

Formal complaints

Outland Visual Inc cares about your experience utilizing our website. Therefore, you must write to us to file a formal complaint. Please include your full name, address, and contact information where we can reach you, along with a detailed description of your complaint, including the date and time the complaint was observed and an area of the website your complaint is concerned about. We aim to respond to accessibility complaints immediately, although it can take us up to thirty days to respond. We may propose a solution within sixty business days of receiving such a complaint. We remind you that we are a small team and appreciate your patience as we strive to respond to your complaint within a reasonable time frame appropriate for the size and resources available to our business. Although we aim to respond to all complaints, a failure to provide complete information in your complaints, such as the full name, email, address, phone number, or detailed descriptions of the complaint, may remove our ability to review, analyze, and or contact you regarding such complaint, or offer proposed solutions of your complain in a manner that is appropriate or timely.

Formal complaints may be sent to or by writing us via US mail at the following address.

Outland Visual Inc. 

Attn: Web Accessibility Complaints 

11400 West Olympic Blvd.

Suite 200

Los Angeles, CA 90064