John Legend’s talent is explosive. When we started to work with John on concepts for his Darkness & Light tour, we explored an opportunity to bring an evolution of staging dynamics to his production and visual design. The show begins with what appears to be a solid wall with a circle cut out of the center. John appears inside this circle while playing the piano, seemingly floating in mid-air, and then suddenly, this wall begins to move and change shape. During our first show, I watched the audience physically stand up once the walls evolved; it was so unexpected that they began to cheer and change position. The energy in the room was immense; John felt it, and so did everyone else on stage. We aim to create visual designs that engage the audience on another level without creating gimmicks or distractions outside a performer’s narrative.

Click play on the image to watch some highlights.

Credited for:

Creative & Show Direction
Production Design
Lighting Design & Direction


Nick Jonas & Demi Lovato set out to create an interactive experience for their fans with the Future Now Tour. Our concept for this design was to remove and strip back some of the norms seen during a large-scale pop music show. This design was centered around a massive concave projection surface that extended from one complete side of the audience to the other, spanning more than 250’ in width and a pixel space of more than 2.5 greater resolution than 4k. We placed the band recessed inside the stage so that they did not obstruct the beautiful visuals on the screen, allowing Nick and Demi to become the sole focus of the visual experience. We consciously forwent dancers, and pyrotechnics to focus on the performers raw talent, supported by engaging live musicians and an immense wall of originally crafted visuals.

Click play to see some highlights.

Credited for:
Co-Creative Direction
Co-Production Design
Co-Lighting Design
Screen Visuals Direction & Production


Cudi is a trendsetter in his music and approach to style. Believe it or not, this was Cudi’s first performance on SNL in his career. His homage to Chris Farley & Kurt Cobain in his first look and his explorative expression wearing a dress designed by Virgil Abloh, especially for this performance, created a viral sensation. It brought all of the internet out to view this performance. The creative direction for each song performed was vastly different. Our first look for Tequila Shots was a forest of up-shooting red laser beams. Cudi could perform amongst them as they pulsed to the intricate beats of the song. It was a striking look. For the song “Sad People,” we opted for a smoke-filled stage, where the only overhead lighting we used was from video projection mounted above. We created custom visuals that we animated to the musical beats to create what felt like clouds emitting the light. It was a soft yet stunning shift from the previous song.

Click play to watch one of the live performances

Credited for:
Creative Direction
Production & Lighting Design


Coming together for a cause. Two noble missions combined for a breathtaking event to recognize global poverty, and the toll humans have taken on the Earth. 300,000 people gathered at the National Mall in Washington, DC, to hear performers like Usher, No Doubt, Aerosmith, and global politicians speak up and make pledges for countries worldwide. This live broadcast reached millions of viewers across the globe, and we were humbled to play a small role in its success.

Credited for:

Creative Producer
Production Design
Broadcast Lighting Design


EDM producers Mike Bindra and Laura DePalma had a dream to take EDM music from the underground of the NYC club scene to the masses. After decades of promoting, producing, and club-owning, it was time to take a chance on a genre of music that so many people are emotionally connected to. We met one afternoon with Mike and Laura at a bar in Long Island City, “I’ll never forget that day; the sun was glaring outside, and as I walked into the bar, it was so dark I tripped right through the doorway,” recalled Jonathan. The creative synergy was there. They wanted to set themselves apart from any other EDM show, and I was down for the ride.

What started with around 10,000 people on Randalls Island's beautiful greenscape quickly exploded to over 250,000 fans worldwide. Electric Zoo became a zeitgeist on the east coast of the USA.

Electric Zoo’s production design spanned five separate stages, thousands of lights, 100’s of miles of LED video walls, and lots of fun, tears, and emotions for us and the audience. We worked with Electric Zoo until its sale to SFX2 in 2012 and enjoyed every second of the exhausting and exciting process of creating live experiences for over 500 EDM artists.

Credited for:

Founding Creative Producer
Production & Visual Design
2d/3d Content Creation
Award Winning 3D-Live experience


The tour changed the landscape of live performances of hip-hop concerts. Outside of his widely known musical talent, Kanye's creative genius was solidified when he dreamt of the beginnings of a hip-hop opera called the “Glow In The Dark Tour.” Early in Jonathan’s career, he was able to work side by side with Kanye to craft a visual narrative along with show director and famed artist Simon Henwood. Shaping Kanye’s vision, and bringing it to life across seven continents, and over 90 countries in a short two-year period was a life-changing moment for all involved. The Glow In The Dark tour will forever be remembered in live music archives as a turning point and a new standard for concert experiences across all genres.

Credited for:

Lighting Design & Direction


‭(818) 232-9435‬

11400 West Olympic Blvd.Ste 200
Los Angeles, CA 90064
